Instead of telling
people what to do, show people what worked for you, and encourage them to
discover what works for them.
When folks are told
exactly what to do, they start it and then give up somewhere along the path, they
struggle, and then get worn-out and frustrated. I guess you have experienced
this sometime in your life once, or maybe several times? I’m speaking from
personal experience here dear readers. That approach seldom ever works, as a
result, it breeds discouragement, frustration and discontent. There are loads
of things this process brings with it that makes it a misdemeanour to make
prescriptions for people. It doesn’t always usually work.
One thing I know that works is this; show people what works for you, and
lay down the principles of how you followed a particular regime or system. The
difference between telling people what to do and showing them what works for
you as well as encouraging them to develop their own style is elaborated here:
Tell them what to do
Now while the former works well at the start of the regime, the initial
rush of adrenaline when motivated, quickly dwindles, as a result, the
enthusiasm fades out and before you know it, the process is adjourned and
eventually “dies a natural death.” Why? Because the recipients did not digest
the concept well enough to create a platform of a disciplined, committed and
consistent application. The message to take action, maybe more focused on the emotion
from being inspired, rather than educating the recipient on the reason to take
a particular action. In other words, they may not have resonated and/or
connected with the process of change. Hence, they get the message as we all do
and start to grow; however, they do not have enough time to establish and build
strength–no durable roots needed to withstand the coming storms. Consequently,
when it gets really hard, they grow tired and weary, frustrated, bitter and
angry. All these negativity eventually brings about toxicity and then
finally, kills their spirit. The initial drive is ultimately squashed and then replaced
with doubt, worry and finally procrastination.
Show them what worked for you
One the other hand, showing them what worked for you, gives people the
opportunity to develop their own style and brand, it show-cases the main principles
of your model and eventually these principles reproduce positive results–In
essence, the recipients eventually:
See what works
The recipients see that it works whilst still underscoring the
principles. They go away and develop and formulate their regime, why? Because
they've been given the liberty and autonomy to generate what's unique to them–they
are happy to establish their brand, which is their own system. This will take a
lot of thinking, but it will surely come to fruition with repetition and consistent action.
Take action
The thing is, people that spend time to do an important task always, get
to stick with it whenever the going gets tough. They have taken their time to
formulate their own system.
They've been able to grow “stem” strong and established durable “roots”,
to drive deep and grow rich from the inside. Hence when the storm, the wave,
the typhoon, the tornadoes and hurricane turn-up descending like an avalanche,
they can withstand them all and remain firm and unmoved.
When the going gets rough and they feel like giving up, they just keep
going and pushing because they've got the principles, it's theirs, they
formed it and gave birth to it. The truth is doing
something that resonates with them gives them greater success in establishment
than doing something because someone said they should do it.
People need to be given the opportunity to develop their natural
abilities, talents and skill as well as have the autonomy to execute and make
it theirs. It is at this point that they can truly grow and develop, because there is a
reason to do it now in the first place. That's the reason they step out of their current comfort zone and get comfortable with the unknown and with the uncertainties–this only happens, if they are to live with purpose, drive, energy and passion. It then develops into a lifestyle formulated by
the sweat of their trials and pure grit.
Become established
Folks will sometimes give up and sometimes continue when they are told
what to, but folks that are shown what could be achieved and thought the
principles, almost never give up. They follow through and fight for everything, because
they were given the autonomy to nurture and grow their seeds of greatness. They
establish their own ethos and style–they become grounded, because of their new
philosophy in discipline, commitment, consistence and diligence.
The bottom still exists; teach principles and give people the
opportunity to develop their own expertise rather than tell them exactly what
to do–we are all different people and have different abilities on making
things work. As they develop the expertise and credibility on a particular niche, they are certain to discover other ways to do it even better and faster; eventually
getting better results in a shorter time frame. We all come from one vine, but we
are different branches, which grow out from the same source. So, in as much as
we have similar features, our talents and abilities are unique to our genetic
make-up–Now, that is undisputed as well as incomprehensible, but in the end, that's
what makes the world the best place to thrive; for no one has the same structure
when it comes to abilities and talents. Therefore, “Live-Real” and “Free” but
with “Purpose”....Because in the end, that’s what counts–Do what works for